Club Staff’s Hari Raya Celebration 2016
Friendly Game With The New Club and Kelab Aman
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Annual Line Dance Party 2016

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“Teamwork makes the dream work” and “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much”.
The Dream Team of the line dance section at New Club Taiping, ladies who worked hard to bring out the best in the name of the club are Ng Phaik Poh, Nyana Morrison, Vivian Lee ,Tee Sew Kee, Miranda Teoh ,Josephine Chew and Karamjeet Kaur. Choy Ping Cheng, Chuah Siong Ngo and Doreen,  are  ready to give their support.
Then there’s our Chairman and wife Moleh Wong, Toh Puan Nori AR and Datin Jennifer Ong.
Together we will prevail and bring this section to greater heights. The bouquet of flowers presented to the section by the Chinese Recreation Club Taiping deservedly belong to the team, the section members and our founder Mrs. Sharon Chan.