The unique heritage club since 1885

One of the oldest clubs in Malaysia, THE NEW CLUB (TNC), is situated at a site which has a panoramic view of the azure Bukit Larut, the scenic Lake Gardens with the raintree branches dipping into the water and the district officer’s residence overlooking the historic playing field, the Esplande (Padang Perbandaran).

It is situated on a road, Jalan Kelab Baru, Taiping, so named after our club.

It was founded in 1885, then known as Perak Club for the social life of colonial British officers and their families. The British Resident restricted the membership to the high ranking British civil service officers and tin miners while the planters had no place in the Club.

There was some misunderstanding, the majority of the senior Perak Club members resigned and formed “The New Club”. Those involved in forming TNC were Dr Shepherd, Lefroy, Gray and Aylesbury. The name TNC still remains till today.

More About The History