Deepavali Celebration
New members – November 2016
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Annual Darts Competition 2016

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The Annual Darts Competition 2016 was held from 25th – 27th November 2016. There were 8 players that won the prizes.

Champion                 : Mohd. Daniel

Runner up                 : Mr. Suppiah

2nd Runner – Up      : Mr. Gunasegaran

Consolation Prizes:

  1. Mr Fahmy who won 180 points.
  2. Mohd Daniel for the Bull Check Out

On 27th November 2016, it was our Annual Dinner of the Year 2016. The food and drinks was prepared by Mr. William (Restaurant) for 3 tables. We would like to appreciate our General Committee; Dr. Michael Wong, Mr. Goh Chee Aik and Mr. Ramakrishnan who had spent their time to attend the Annual Dinner.