Tai Chi News
The NCT Hall was a hive of activity on the morning of 3rd August 2017. It was Interaction Day for the NCT Tai Chi members and twenty four members of the Tai Chi group from the Lake Gardens.
After the arrival of the guests, a group photo session was arranged. This was followed by a Warm–up Routine, Tai Chi 24 and Tai Chi 42 which was jointly performed by NCT Tai Chi members and their guests. The highlight of the day was a demonstration of the Double Fan 24 by two lady exponents of Tai Chi. Then the NCT Tai Chi members performed the Sword 42 and Kung Fu Fan routines. Our ‘Sifu’ Mr. Teh Ah Bee conducted an informal Sing-along session, with the hosts and guests belting out three Mandarin numbers.
Before the guests adjourned, they were treated to a sumptuous breakfast.
It was a new and wonderful experience for the NCT Tai Chi members to be able to interact with other Tai Chi groups. A special mention must be made of Mr. Ng Kar Pak for his professionalism in photography and Mr. Lim Sweet Chin, the Chairman of NCT Tai Chi Section for gracing the occasion.