Perak Interclub Swimming Competition ( 1 LEG ), 15th April 2018
Vasakhi Nite Celebration 2018, 21st April 2018
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Children’s Day Camp,15th April 2018

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A total of 12 children took part in the Day Camp held at Civil Defence Camp, Simpang on 15.4.2018. The children were taken by van from the New Club Taiping to the centre at 8.00a.m. Mr. Goh Chee Aik, Mr. Wong Ah Woh, Mr. Calvin Peh Kim Hock, Ms. SuzanneMcKinney, Mr. Teh Beng Soon and Ms. Sumithra Amalourde were present at the camp with the children.
Mr. Calvin Peh first gave a lesson in the different types of snakes of Malaysia and how toidentify the venomous and non-venomous snakes. Next the children were taught the basics of CPR for children and adults. The children were given a demonstration and then they had their hands on the process. After that they were taught how to use a camping stove and mess cans to cook. The children had to fry chicken, cocktail sausages and eggs on their own. Off course Mr. Teh, Ms. Suzanne, Mr. Calvin and the trainers were there to give a helping hand. Then the children had a taste of their own cooking during tea break time.
They were also taught to keep the premises clean and to clean their own mess cans. After the break, the children were taught to pitch camping tents and later to fold and pack them. The day ended with a course in rappelling, a demonstration by the trainers and three of the bigger children had a go at it. This followed by a talk on how to handle snakes at home by Mr. Calvin. The children were later distributed their lunch boxes. The van then took them back to New Club Taiping at 1.00 p.m.
It was an enjoyable day for the children. The event was a success. A big thank you to Mr.Calvin Peh who tirelessly put in a lot of effort and time to organize this event. Thank you also for all the lively lectures to make the courses so interesting and the children fascinated. Last but not least a word of thanks to those who were there to look after the children to ensure their safety and lending them a hand.