On 8th January 2022, our Club hosted a group of Hash House Harriers from 420HHH Petaling Chapter. It was their yearly event to visit a township and have ‘stopover’ at several iconic ‘spots’ before ending their run at a designated place.
Our Club was chosen as one of their ‘pit-stop’ when they’ve decided to organised the infamous ‘2022 Pub Crawl’ in this historic town. Both our Club Advisor Dato’ Kamarulbahrain and Club President Mr. Tang Yuet Mun was at the Club to welcome the group, which was represented by their Grand Master Mr. Rohit, Joint Master Dato’ Lakhbir Singh and Hon. Sec Tn. Delber Singh.
Both parties got to know each other and took the opportunity to exchange souvenir plaques to commemorate the meet.
The group left after taking the short break for about 20mins, and took the path up to the D.O. hill before continuing their crawl to Uncle Don’s Restaurant.
We hope they had a pleasant ‘pit-stop’ at our Club as much as we enjoyed their presence to our Club.