The Deepavali Squash Competition 2016 was held from the 14 – 16 November. This was a much awaited event by the squash fraternity at this club. Games were played between two teams named after two Indian movie superstars – Amitabh Bachan and Rajini Kanth. With more experience, Team Amitabh Bachan defeated Team Rajinikanth. The competition saw participation spanning from the juniors members to the super seniors.
A fellowship night was held at the end of the competition. Our guest-of-honor, the President of the club, expressed his thank to the organizing committee of this event for the managing it so well. It was heartening to see everyone being so happy. The food was great and to add colours to the Deepavali-themed event, there was a lucky draw for the ladies who were dressed in Indian attire. There was also a treasure-hunt for the juniors and a party game for the seniors. The spirit of fellowship filled the air amidst the sound of the Punjabi barrel drum.
The squash section wishes to thank the organizing committee for this event, led by Dr Amalourdes. They have done a great job indeed. Also, we sincerely appreciate the contributions from our members and sponsors of prizes, Mr. Kumar (Money Trading) and Indra Marketing. To all those who has given us your support, thank you.